Music News Video

Molehills out of Mountains full release and giveaway

Our album, Molehills out of Mountains, is now finally available across a range of digital stores, and the initial reviews have been pretty encouraging.    As if this in itself isn’t exciting enough, we are also giving away a special album bundle.  More on that towards the bottom of the page.  We have also got a brand new promo video for the album:

The video you have (hopefully) just watched here is hosted on Vimeo, but if you are more into Youtube, you will also find it there.  In fact, the entire Molehills out of Mountains album is (in one form or another) in this Youtube playlist.  If you want to add a comment on, and/or share, your favourite song from the album, please do.  We’ve also got 3 more full song videos in the pipeline.  More news on those in the coming weeks.

Full digital release of album

Anyway… back to this week’s album release. Molehills out of Mountains has been available directly from us, as well as from Crash Records and Jumbo Records in Leeds for several weeks, but now it has a wider release.  The album is now on the following digital stores.  Simply click any one of these to be taken straight to our album:

The album is probably on other digital stores too, so if you see it anywhere else, please use the comments section at the bottom of this page to let us know where you have seen it for sale. You can also now stream the album on Spotify.

Album reviews

So far, we’ve seen five reviews of Molehills out of Mountains, and each one has had good things to say about it, and there have been some interesting observations.  We’ve included quotes from all five reviews on the What People Say page of our website.  Here is just one excerpt, from the Leeds Music Scene review:

“The carefully crafted and intricately arranged album is astonishingly good…An all round winner and an album I can tell I’ll return to when I’m in need of some perspective.”

Album giveaway

Now, as mentioned at the top, to celebrate the widescale digital release of Molehills out of Mountains, we are giving away a signed vinyl copy of the album, including the full CD, a t-shirt and a badge set.

Molehills out of mountains vinyl, CD, t-shirt and badge set